Saturday, 12/10, from 1 to 3 pm (EST) – XP CHALLENGE
WHEN: Saturday, December 10th, 2016, from 1 to 3pm
WHAT: Who can earn the most XP from 1 to 3pm?
- I will reset the “This Week” leaderboard at 1pm.
- At 3pm, I will load up the leaderboard and see our overall leaders and class specific leaders.
- Top scorers win prizes!
REMEMBER: The way XP works in Stash gives players of any level the same chance to win. An even con mob is always worth 100 XP.
OVERALL RANKINGS (Adventurers list)
1st place: $15 of Medallions & 3 stacks of pumpkin pie
2nd place: $10 of Medallions & 2 stacks of pumpkin pie
3rd place: $5 of Medallions & 1 stack of pumpkin pie
- 4th-10th: $2 of Medallions & 1 stack of pumpkin pie (hey, better than nothing right?)
1st place: 1 weapon & 2 armor pieces – 100% quality & random magical modifiers
2nd place: 1 weapon & 1 armor piece – 100% quality & random magical modifiers
3rd place: 1 weapon or 1 armor piece – 100% quality & random magical modifiers